Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do You 3D Rose & Upside Down Cars

AA 3D rose mesh jumper, AA zigzag knit pencil skirt, Oroblu Dorothy tights, Prada loafers, LV scarf
  Simplicity. Chic.

You go into an American Apparel store.  It's like a flashback to disco pants was like Sevens for All Man Kind to today.  There hanging is this awkward jumper.  You tell your self, "Sure, I'll wear this.  Yeah.  Mm Hm."  Well, you can! Sometimes simple things can be so... what would would Emril say? BAM! 

The key: stay simple but add a little kick!

I pent a wonderful first weekend of 2011 in Seattle at The Edgewater Hotel.  In January, they were exhibiting Picasso at SAM.  After a full day of being intellectually, and artistically stimulated I stepped into the night in this.

Be creative! You can dress this up or down.  I have one in black too.  I sometimes wear the jumper over a long sleeved boyfriend silk shirt and pair it with tights and boots.  Even some feminine flats.

A Great Anticipation

Preparing for my upcoming trip.  Beginning my blog.  My first post.

I can not wait to land my feet on the cobbled grounds of Paris in Spring.

With great anticipation, I have been preparing my wardrobe the last four months.  Practilcally after Purchase Tickets was clicked with the racketey ol' mouse, on a quite evening in my office.

So here it begins...  A Prêt-à-Porter, in search of inspirations to everyday fashion.  An eternal style.