Monday, February 6, 2012

The Wish List: Sony Alpha NEX-5 DSLR

Source: PC World

It's no secret, I've been able to sustain my hobby as a blogger with the handy dandy iPhone 4.  Honestly, it is because I am too lazy to carry bulky cameras around.  Plus, it is small therefore it is convenient.  The bad part is, the iPhone is limited to just that of a phone with an above par camera.  However, it still doesn't allow you to adjust and manipulate a picture like that of an actual camera.  My Canon point and shoot does well but I feel that there's still some noise in the product.  Hence, the search for an actual semi-pro DSLR.

So far, the pro's have steered me to this Sony.  And by the look of it, I say that it will do.  It is thin, capable to do almost everything that the best can do, has a great LCD screen on the back and it allows you do carry around without all of the bulk.  Hmmm... it's got my attention.  Check out the full review at PC World.

The hunt is on...

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