Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lourve and Rodin, oh my!

When at the Lourve....

1. Get there early.  Make it the start of your day.
2. Highly recommend the Paris Pass.  It bypass you from the long lines.
3. Camera allowed! But no flash.  They really don't like it so turn it off.
4. There is currently a special exhibition for Spanish art.  NO CAMERA ALLOWED.  I made the mistake of not seeing the sign and got yelled it.  Oh well.
5. IT IS huge! Pick your top destinations and MAP it out before you start.
6. Our focus was the Denon and Sully wings: Greek antiquities, Roman-Etuscian antiquities, and Italian paintings.
7. The cafe in the Lourve is pricey BUT they have really tummy pain au raisin.  The best I've had!

Went to d'Orsay as well but no photographs allowed.  Less crowded.  However, there's a renovation right now so the exhibits were a bit scattered.

At the Rodin, beautiful gardens and statues.  It is about a 15 minute walk from d'Orsay.  There is a really really good macaroon shop owed by locals there that I will have to get the name for and post it later.  It is as good as Laduree and not as expensive.

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